August 22, 2023
Holbein Artists’ Colored Pencil

Every now and then as an artist, you hit artist blocks. I find that changing medium helps to work through an artist block. In this case, I decided to focus on pencils for the week and draw something in detail. After sourcing the internet for an image, I settled for a Blue Jay resting on a branch. I love the color of the Blue Jay and the details in the photograph. The photo is from Pinterest.

I decided to go with Holbein Artists’s Colored Pencil set of 150 colors because I needed a pencil that would blend easily. If you focus on the feathers in the top portion of the bird, you can see that there is a mix of grays, and lavender. The blue in the feathers have a deep range of blues. I love the quality of the pencil. In addition, I like the weight of the pencil in my hand. Holbein Artists’s Colored Pencil have a nice range of blues, grays and lavender.
The barrel of the pencil is 7.8mm round while the core 3.8 mm. The colors blend easily with the help of Holbein Colored Pencil Blender called Meltz. I used a tortillon stump to blend the colors.
I found a great review of Holbein Artists’ Colored Pencil at The Art Gear Guide if you wanted more detail information regarding these wonderful pencils. (click on the link provided.) In addition, I also found it interesting that each pencil has a star and is rated for lightfastness. You can read more about how each color pencil is rated on HolbeinArtist .

Two years ago, I was using affiliate links to Amazon. I had 180 days to build a community and sell something from Amazon. To be transparent, I hated it. For now I am enjoying learning about art and practicing every day.